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Re: e-commerce gender article

No, you guys do not process information!  Who do you think you are!

Just kidding.  This article is just one of the many examples of how
statistics can be unfairly manipulated to "reveal" false truths such as
the "proven fact" that women can't process info.  And the sad thing is
that people believe CNN's words as if it were God talking.  It makes me
sick and it's the reason why I used to listen to Metallica


On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Lisa Potter wrote:

> "Men are more information processors. They want the facts, the
> information and the details...Women are more experiential. They tend not
> to process as much information."
> Robyn, Hannah...do we really not process information?
> http://www.cnnfn.com/2000/04/19/life/q_buying/
> ************************************************
> Lisa Potter
> School of Information and Library Science
> University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
> Chapel Hill, NC  27599