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Fw: Re: e-commerce gender article

oops meant to repsond to the whole list, not just Lisa!
-- Begin original message --

> I hate articles like this.
> I guess I'd screw up their results since yes, as a girl, I do shop at places
> like Aveda and other health/beauty places but not online. I tried that once
> and all of the product was kinda old and not at all what I expected. I also
> don't ever buy clothes online. I only buy clothes from a catalog (mail
> order) if it's a replacement for something I know fits me already. Same
> thing w/beauty stuff. I want to be able to smell the perfume, try on the
> lotion and all that. You can't do that online.
> However, I do shop for computer stuff online. The system I have now, I got
> online. I also LOVE to buy airplane tickets online. It's my preferred
> method. I no doubt do the same w/hotel reservations if I had to (usually I
> travel to visit family and don't stay in a hotel since I stay at their
> house). 
> So my "girly" purchases are only done via the brick'n'mortar (OK sometimes
> mail order but not too often) avenue. My "guyish" purchases are done online.
> Guess I can't be a chick according to the survey huh?
> Robyn
> -- Begin original message --
> > "Men are more information processors. They want the facts, the
> > information and the details...Women are more experiential. They tend not
> > to process as much information."
> > 
> > Robyn, Hannah...do we really not process information?
> > 
> > http://www.cnnfn.com/2000/04/19/life/q_buying/
> > ************************************************
> > Lisa Potter
> > School of Information and Library Science
> > University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
> > Chapel Hill, NC  27599
> > 
> > 
> -- End original message --

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