JOMC 191.3 Blogging, We the Media, virtual communities

Greensboro News and Record changed their relationships with their public this past fall and winter, but aggressively opening up their newsroom using new technologies like blogs, podcasting, and wiki. CNN now runs a regular Blog news discussion on Inside Politics. John Edwards released his first podcast on March 22, 2005. AP reports "Reliance on the Internet for political news during last year's presidential campaign grew sixfold from 1996, while the influence of newspapers dropped sharply, according to a study [a telephone-based survey from the Pew Research Center for The People and the Press and the Pew Internet and American Life Project that was released March 7, 2005]."


By looking at the changes in communication, in politics and in technology as well as social capitol theory, social network theory, and ideas of news flow (thanks Phil Meyer) as well as design and interoperability research, we will attempt to understand the growing world of many to many communications.

Instructor: Paul Jones 213 Manning Hall 962-7600

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