The Old Ceremony
There is this guy Django Haskins who is a wonderful writer and performer. He lives somewhere here in town. I’m not managed to see his shows with International Orange or The Old Ceremony or solo. But I heard a cut or two by him on the local low power FM station WCOM.

Then I looked him up and found his website. His shows were listed and I tried to catch him between his trips to NYC, but I’m too pooped to pop and too old to stroll as the song once went. But I did download rough cuts of his music and became pretty attached to American Romeo, Ole, and Blood and Oil.

Today strolling by School Kids Records, I noticed that the window display was for the new Old Ceremony CD. I checked it out. On it were the songs I had liked as roughs. The CD was on consignment to the store so the chance that I might find it any where else were slim. [yes, you can buy it online at this link] Of course I bought it. I was delighted that the money would go to a local record store and to the band. It’s a professional product in every way and very very listenable.

Chapel Hill Pop Noir — so they say.