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Search: “muldoon”

We found 5 results for your search.

Muldoon to be New Yorker Poetry Editor

After 17 years as poetry editor of the New Yorker, Alice Quinn is stepping down to work on the journals of Elizabeth Bishop. Stepping up will be Irish-born Pulitzer-winning poet and Warren Zevon collaborator, Paul Muldoon. Amongst other things Muldoon tortures a Strat in the band Rackett. Small Jones connection: I was a reader for […]

Paul Muldoon in NYTimes Mag

Great little article on Paul Muldoon in today’s NYTimes Magazine. A bit too much on his garage band project,Rackett, and not nearly enough room to show how creative and expansive his poetry projects are — deceptively so in a very good way. Also we learn that Helen Vendler now says that Paul has an emotional […]

Paul Muldoon – October 9 at UNC

Paul Muldoon is a wonderful and witty writer. One of the best and most unique to come from Ireland in a long time. He can be deep complex historical and completely wacky all within the same poem. More Joyceian than Yeatsian in many ways. I was lucky enough to be one of the Wake Forest […]

Irish Xmas at NYTimes

Today’s NYTimes features two creative pieces on the OpEd pages. A poem by Paul Muldoon, “Myrrh,” and a short short story, “The Box,” by Roddy Doyle. Both great and surprising. Merry Christmas.

Modern Love (the poetry and the music)

One of my guilty pleasures is reading the “Modern Love” feature in the New York Times Sunday Style section. The pleasure shouldn’t be that guilty; they have very good writers writing very good and interesting takes on varieties of love in the modern age (or at least the contemporary age). Over and over I see […]

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