Whilst looking through the State of Things Archives, I found the Tim Tyson show that Susan Davis wrote me about. You can find it too here. I’m not sure whether it ran twice, there are two air dates as you will see below:

Blood Done Sign My Name
Air Date: 8/1/2004

Original Air Date: May 24, 2004
Blood Done Sign My Name: Host Melinda Penkava talks with Timothy Tyson, the author of “Blood Done Sign My Name” (Crown/2004). Tyson, a professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, grew up in the small North Carolina town of Oxford. In 1970, when Tyson was ten years old, an African-American man named Henry Marrow was killed outside a store in broad daylight by a white man. The incident enflamed racial tensions and touched off rioting in the town. Tyson remembers the event in his book, which is part historical account and part memoir. (54:00)

I’ve mentioned Tim and his important book in earlier posts on this blog. Particularly when the local pledge drive took the national story off our local air. WUNC did scoop the national on this one and put out a nice long show.