Accept no substitutes

Breaking 100 – again!

It happened again, and I’m not complaining this time at all, UNC trounced Maryland 109 – 75. I hope Bojangles can stay in business this year! (Recall that the Carolina Tar Heel victory special kicks in once UNC breaks 100. The Special is two sausage biscuits for $1 if you go to a Bojangles tomorrow before noon).


  1. Anonymous

    anyone know if the bojangles offer is statewide?

  2. Paul Jones

    According to the announcer at the William and Mary game, it’s statewide.
    Do let us know how your visit there turns out.
    My dark secret is that I haven’t been in a Bojangles in years and have never had a sausage biscuit from Bojangles.

  3. F with an F

    special confirmed this morning at western boulevard bojangles, a good time had by all

  4. Tim

    And here’s some photographic evidence. Admittedly, the deal isn’t really *that* much cheaper than the regular 2-sausage-biscuits price, but it’s sort of the principle of it and the fact that it feels good to be a victorious consumer/Tarheel. I love the smell of sausage biscuits in the morning…they smell like victory.

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