Framed!Just my luck, I leave perfectly good warm pizza here in the Lab (thanks Kimberly) to sprint over to Duke Law for the announcement of the winners of The Center for the Study of the Public Domain‘s Moving Image Contest. Once I got there their pizza was cold.
You may recall that I was one of three judges for the contest; the others were Creative Commons’ Glenn Otis Brown and FullFrame Documentary Festival‘s Laurie Racine.
The winners chosen by the three of us and the winner of the People’s Choice Online Voting were announced by Jennifer Jenkins and James Boyle.
As you can imagine, especially if you know the judges, there was a divergence of opinions, but we picked four very strong and enjoyable films. The People did a fine job too — since I agree with them that “Stealing Home” is particularly good.
“The contest asked for 2 minute movies about the ways that intellectual property affects art– specifically documentary film or music.”
Drop by and have a view.
Music for Our GrandchildrenLet me put in a plug for “Music for Our Grandchildren” which was produced in Poland. If you want to watch that one and you are not in Poland, then you might want to get your download from Duke.