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Potto Logo

This logo  represent what Potto Project is all about. Potto is a small monkey that was in theory to extremed in this modern world with over usage of the land and pollution. Yet this monkey learns very quickly to change his lost natural habitat and to move to the human plantation where he drives in adverse conditions.
Logo credits This logo was created in a continuous way as almost all the things in Potto project.  First it start from a photo that moved into modified colors photo.
Later, Rebekah Wilson created outlines of the figure which was filled by Genick Bar-Meir using gimp. All the modifications afterward were done using gimp.

Click on the figure to large version of it.

About Potto Project

Potto Project has been created by Dr. Genick Bar-Meir and friends to build free software and textbooks for college students.

Potto Project is under open content licenses, which means that you will always have the freedom to use it, make copies of it, and improve it. You are encouraged to make use of these freedoms and share the textbooks and program with your family and friends!

Copyright (C) 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 Dr. Genick Bar-Meir.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or later or Potto license.
Site feedback please mail to barmeir at gmail.com
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