N.C. Raves: Downtempo, trance and ambient
Guide to Electronica : Downtempo, trance and ambient (7 of 9)

Not all electronica has fast, pounding beats. Slower versions, even undanceably slow ones, abound. Downtempo [Audio] is a term sometimes used to describe slower, danceable music. However, two other significant genres -- trance and ambient -- are better known as the slower varieties of electronica.

Trance [Audio] music is slower and softer than most electronica, though still danceable. Trance and ambient music (which is slower and not as danceable) are often found at raves in "chillout" rooms, and both try to take the listener into a trance-like state.

A style of trance called "Goa trance" comes from the Goa islands on the southwest coast of India. A hot spot for European ravegoers, the island and the music have gained popularity as being especially interesting while under the influence of LSD.

Ambient music [Audio] is unrelated to trance, but is also slower than most electronica and can be found in chillout rooms. Ambient is usually not danceable and is more akin to meditation music. Brian Eno, a pioneer of the style, coined the term "ambient" in the late 1970s.

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