N.C. Raves: Techno
Guide to Electronica : Techno (4 of 9)

While house music's roots are in soul, the roots of techno music [Audio] are in funk. Techno developed in Detroit after (and partly in response to) house music, and early artists drew influence from funk groups like Parliament, as well as early electronica groups including Kraftwerk [Audio].

Techno music depends more on rhythm than vocals, and the beats are harder and faster than house music. If vocals exist, they're usually in the form of short samples rather than the more melodious singing in house music.

Remember, the term "techno" refers to a specific kind of electronica, though it's often used to describe all rave dance music. Although techno was one of the first styles of electronica, and has influenced many of the styles of electronica since, it is not an accurate term to describe all electronica or music heard at raves.

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Audio: Techno music

Audio: Kraftwerk

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