N.C. Raves: Types of house music
Guide to Electronica : Types of house music (3 of 9)

House music soon split into Chicago house, acid house, progressive house, deep house, and a variety of others. Differences in styles may be the result of differences in geography, in the rhythm and melody, or in the tools used to make the music. One style may be different in different places, too -- what someone in the UK calls "progressive house" may sound quite different from the American version.

Deep house [Audio], for instance, is a stripped-down version of house music without many extra sounds or melodies. The effect is such that small additions or changes in the melodies are much more pronounced. "Deep" is a term that can be used to describe any electronica that's been reduced to basic elements.

Acid house is characterized by its use of a specific instrument, the Roland 303 Bassline. The sound of the Roland 303 [Audio] is distinctive, and the term "acid" can be used to describe any electronica that relies heavily on those sounds.

Progressive house [Audio] is a hybrid of house, trance, and techno. Developed in England, it's faster than house and places more importance on a melody.

Though house music is one of the oldest genres of electronica, it continues to develop into new forms, such as French house [Audio], a swankier version from overseas.

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Audio: Deep House

Audio: Roland 303

Audio: Progressive House

Audio: French House

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