N.C. Raves: Line down the block
Behind the rave scenes : Line down the block (4 of 10)

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Crowds at raves in North Carolina have gotten bigger as they've gained popularity. Lines extended down the block at this Wilmington rave, which quickly reached maximum capacity. MORE
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Copyright ©1998 Jim Webb. All rights reserved.

Instead of the 700 people promoter Craig Vaughn expected at this rave, lines extended into the next block as more than 1,000 people waited to get in. Hundreds of restless dancers were turned away and sent to a nearby dance club when the party quickly filled to capacity. "We just weren't ready for it," said Vaughn.

Attendance at raves in North Carolina is increasing. The markets for raves are actually statewide and regional rather than local, because many ravegoers will drive several hours -- or even several states -- for a party. In July 1998, North Carolina saw at least twelve established rave parties. Two venues, Greensboro's Babylon and The Clubhouse in Creedmor, were holding parties every week. TOP