N.C. Raves: Rave flyers
Behind the rave scenes : Rave flyers (3 of 10)


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Upcoming raves are announced through intricately designed flyers distributed at other raves and record stores. Jody Barnes, a designer from Cary, made this one. MORE
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Copyright ©1998 Jim Webb. All rights reserved.

Rave flyers tell where and when the party is, who's deejaying, and how to get there -- but they aren't just announcements. The high-quality glossy flyers are colorful and designed meticulously, at times incorporating intricate 3-D imagery, visual jokes, inside references, and even diatribes about the state of the rave scene. Psychedelic themes are common, but certainly not the rule. Often printed in full color and sometimes with metallic inks, they can cost more than several thousand dollars to make.

Each new flyer seems to try to top the ones before it, and collecting and sometimes trading flyers is common practice among partygoers. Party promoters and flyer designers hope their flyers will impress people who might come, and eventually serve as a souvenir if the party is a good one. TOP