
Re: you people drive CRAZY!

In article <gregor.1159991852I@ra.nrl.navy.mil>,
gregor@nrlfs1.nrl.navy.mil (Joe Gregor) wrote:

[major snip]

> I've seen 4 or five cars blaze
> thru a red light after it has clearly changed. In fact, it is unusual to see
> a light turn red _without_ at least one driver running the thing before
> traffic stops. Once I actually decided to take my green light, as the law
> allows, and was cussed out by the guy who, while clearly running a red light,
> I suppose truly believed _he_ still had the right of way.

Yeesh! Lucky you were just cussed out, and not T-boned! Or shot, for that
matter. I frequently wonder to myself, "just how red does it have to be
before they'll stop?" FWIW, I usually stop (if possible) for *yellow*
lights. I'm sure that's made for much speculation about my ancestry and
personal habits on the part of drivers behind me...

Chris                                 jchill@gueuze.dgsys.com
What would happen if I pulled the plug on the Reality Engine?
