
Re: MD 650 (108 to 108), 32 and Other maryland roads

kevinatk@home.com (Kevin Atkinson) wrote:
>I was wondering if any one else thinks that the 40mph speed limit on MD 
>650 from 108 at Sandy Springs to 108 near Damascus is ABSURD.  Especally 
>the Damascus road part (Md. 97 to 108) which is rather straight with 
>excellent visablity (never even had to slow down below 50).  That part 
>really should be 50 (like all the other maryland roads of its type).  I 
>can understand while it might be 40 on the other part (97 to 108 at Sandy 
>Springs) due to the many shart turnes however I still think that should 
>be 50 too.
    Yeah, I agree.  But, have faith, since roads like 32 north of
Clarksville are (reasonably) posted at 55.  Some limits are rather
silly, even when you consider poor driving conditions like snow, etc.
The northern stretch of 97 you mention is a good example.  Oh, well,
Brighton Dam and Brookeville Roads are posted too slow, too.  :)

    L8r, P8r.

