
Re: Ticket hell

In a previous article, kp47@umail.umd.edu () says:

>I received  $25 ticket on July 28 for making an illegal (between 7 and
>9:30 a.m.) left turn at Western Ave. and 41st Street N.W.  As the nice cop
>barked the threat of additional penalties at me twice--additional
>penalities if I did not pay within 2 weeks--I sent a check out before 2
>weeks had passed.
>A few days ago, I received a "delinquency" notice that said I owed an
>add'l $25 for not paying on time. I couldn't figure out what was up (my
>check had been cashed) until, on the phone to the Dept. of Public Works, I
>noticed that they had recorded the date of my ticket issuance as July 8--a
>Saturday. Not July 28--a Friday.  Because --thanks to the ticket--I was 20
>mins. late to a meeting, I told a roomful of people that I had received
>it.  I am writing a letter disputing the ticket date noted on the
>delinquency letter--but I fear a mindless bureacracy ignoring me and
>suspending my license (as they threatened on the notice).  
>Has this ever happened to anyone else out there?  What are my chances?  I
>am going to check the no-turn sign tomorrow, in hopes that the 7--9:30
>restriction  is Mon. through Friday only.  If so, since July 8 was a
>Saturday, I will have a speck of proof in my favor.

As a former Traffic Engineer for DC, I am sure the restriction is a
Monday-Friday rule.  You should have no problem.  I'd recommend a quick
CALL to the DPW, with the followup letter, as well.

Paul S. Wolf, P.E.				aa854@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu
	Traffic Engineer, Cuyahoga County Engineer's Office
	SIGOP, The Scouting Center on The Cleveland Freenet
	Honorary Pres., Great Lakes Region, Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
