
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

Organization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA

Shiloh Costa (bailiff@pz.timber.com) wrote:
: I think that with the new photo radar, they should be fair and allow
: the use of radar detectors.  Why is it that the government can use
: any form of technology they like, but the public is still in the
: stone ages?

As far as I know, only a few states and the Distict of Columbia outlaw 
radar detectors.  Are they completely illegal in Canada?

: light is yellow, just before it turns red?  This way they can mail
: you "failing to stop for a traffic signal" ticket.
: They have justified this, by saying "a lot of accidents are caused
: at intersections, not only will we catch people who run red lights,
: but we can also have pictures of accidents just before they happened".

Actually I don't have a problem with the interesection cameras.  To hell 
with photo radar, which merely punishes people for travelling the same 
speed as everyone else.  But, to my knowlege, running a red light does no 
one any good and has tremendous potential harm.  From where I hail 
(Maryland) it is routine for three-five cars to pass through the average 
red (not yellow) light.

As for the recording of where you are, well, this is the electronic age, 
and if you don't run the light you won't get recorded! :)

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