
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <3nghhm$o5n@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>,
adr5@sawasdee.cc.columbia.edu (Alex D Rodriguez) wrote:
> If an emergency vehicle is not responding to an emergency, lights on, then 
> they have to obey the same rules everyone else does.  That's how an emergency
> vehicle can do all thoes illegal things.  Your response explains why we see
> so many cops breaking the law.  You either don't know, or don'twant to know,
> the law.  The law only applies when it is convenient for you.

First of all it just doesn't seem to be sinking in for you: These things are 
NOT ILLEGAL for an emergency vehicle. Second of all: Your spelling is starting 
to deteriorate again:)

There are plenty of reasons cops have for exceeding speed limits, and short-
cutting traffic regulations w/out having lights & sirens on, for example:

-Responding to Burglary Alarms & Bank Alarms: Lest the bad guys hear you
 coming (which can create a situation which not only endangers the officer, 
 but also the public, in a bank situation.)

-Responding to just about any other type of call where stealth is of 
 importance (As in most things, the element of surprise is important in police

-Trying to catch up to vehicles that may be kinda far away, w/out alerting
 (if you think they might run, which can be even more dangerous if you give them
 the opportunity)

In short: I stick w/my original statement; You can't be sure what the
police are actually doing when they *appear* to you to be screwing around,
and driving unsafely. The vast majority of the time, they are responding
to an incident . 

> I think "dumbshits" on a power trip compromise an even larger percentage of
> the police population than you want to admit to.  And that percentage is 
> a couple of order  of amgnitude larger than the general population.

Well, I think this is YOUR basic problem to begin with. You just have an 
animus against cops.


 Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
    CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
<jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **

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