
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <28APR199502434461@vms1.tamu.edu>, msw5513@vms1.tamu.edu
(Gumby) wrote:

> I can't give outright compliments to anyone I don't know.  Cops are people.
> No people are perfect.  Cops are just trying to do a job.  They can't help
> if someone disagrees with a law they are enforcing, they still have to do
> their job.  (is that better?  :-)

Yes, quite satisfactory...*big smile*

> I've packed a firearm illegally.  I chose my law violations carefully, and
> I always know exactly when I am violating a law.  I am aware of the
> consequences, and I am prepared to face them.  (don't do the crime if you
> can't do the time :-)

I didn't realize it was against the law to carry a gun in Texas...
               *Jamie's patented dumb blonde look* 

In fact, I always kinda figured it was against the law to be caught w/out

You cowboy types are so...,so..., macho. (yeah that's it!) *swooning*...NOT! 
> I'd love to have a job where I am supposed to hunt down people who have or
> are committing a violent crime.  Sneaking up on an armed person, high on
> crack, and yelling "FREEZE!!"  Ooh, how I envy you.

Well, like they say..."Everything's BIGGER in Texas." It's only logical 
that include the number of people in need of therapy.

But from my personal experience with Texas men, I've always wondered why
it doesn't include...*blushing*....well, you know what I mean:)


 Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
    CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
<jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **
