
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

JamieYanak@oai.org (Jamie Yanak) writes...
>msw5513@vms2.tamu.edu (Gumby) wrote:

>> Come on, give them a break.  Aside from the Untouchables, just about every
>> cop broke the law they were supposed to be enforcing.  They are human.

>It's good to see that someone is sticking up for me around here,
>well, sort of...I think:)

I can't give outright compliments to anyone I don't know.  Cops are people.
No people are perfect.  Cops are just trying to do a job.  They can't help
if someone disagrees with a law they are enforcing, they still have to do
their job.  (is that better?  :-)

>> I speed all the time and have gotten away with it.

>Yes, but when you finally do get a ticket, will you look at it as fair
>considering all the times you didn't get caught? Even if you think the
>ticket was wrong?

Oh, I keep it at a speed where it won't go on my record.  I have been stopped
enough, but I have been lucky not to get a ticket.  (it is amazing how nice
cops can be if you tell them the truth and show a little respect :-)

>> What makes you think
>> the cops are the only ones with Glocks? :-)

>Good point. Another reason excuses for speeding don't always go over/are
>excepted politely. Old saying: "No such thing as a routine traffic stop."
>You never know who it is your stopping for speeding.

I've packed a firearm illegally.  I chose my law violations carefully, and
I always know exactly when I am violating a law.  I am aware of the
consequences, and I am prepared to face them.  (don't do the crime if you
can't do the time :-)

>At times it can have a definate affect upon your adrenaline levels. Like
>when your running traffic at 3:00am, all the other cars in your zone are
>tied up on calls (meaning no back-up for you darling!), and a store was
>just robbed 15 minutes ago. When all of a sudden, a car comes flying down
>the road past you at 75mph, with no plates on it. *wonderfull* You catch
>up, get it stopped, and have the honor of walking that (very long 20 feet)
>up to their window (all the time wondering when someone may pop up from
>the back seat, and point something at you *NOT THEIR FINGER EITHER*)... 

I'd love to have a job where I am supposed to hunt down people who have or
are committing a violent crime.  Sneaking up on an armed person, high on
crack, and yelling "FREEZE!!"  Ooh, how I envy you.

>Only to discover its some fool, who's temporary tag fell down from the
>back window. 


>Of course, he has no idea why you don't beleive him/want to discuss it,
>when he says "Uhh, really ossifer, I have to go to the bathroom, I didn't
>realize I was going so fast, Are you sure your radar guns right, I was
>just blowing the carbon out of my engine, It was that other car you must
>have got us confused, I just came from the car-wash and was trying to dry
>it off,...*Or, would you beieve...*
>etc,etc, etc...

Gee, I always get out of mine.  "Yes officer, I was speeding.  I am on my
way home.  Yes, Dallas, as it says on the license.  Yes sir, I'll keep it
under 65.  Thank you."  And a warning for 76 was issued.


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