
Re: 100 km/h? Give me a break!

In Article <3nc4p9$i59@diplomatic.passport.ca> "lucky@passport.ca (Srecko Bartl)" says:
> How do you people put up with the 100km/h speed limit? I'm new to Canada
> and to me this is a constant source of amazement. Has anybody ever tried to
> change it? 
> Srecko
in the NL the speed limit is also 100 kmh...( actually we have a dual speed
limit , we have autoways with 100 kmh limit and autospeedways with a 120 kmh 
limit) to me it's quite agreeable... because the Nl isn't all that big
it doesn't matter that you can't go faster than 100 kmh....
the roads are very crowded most of the times and there are many
trucks that have to abide by a limit of 80 kmh
if the other cars are allowed to go faster the speed difference could be 
too big.. At this point in time the minimum speed is 60 kmh 
personally i think that people should be forced to go at least 80 kmh
it's quite scary to notice that you're gaining on a person with 60kmg and you 
can't pass because of the car next to you.....
you probably lived in Germany before you moved to Canada and you are used to
driving fast... However I don't thimk that Germany is the best country to
drive on speedways.... the fact that most people trvel at around 140 kmh
and that there are those who go 200+ doesn't make it very safe...
fast reactions are neede to prevent big accidents...
and because some driver who go 200+ don't do this regularly...(tourists...)
they quite often lack those fast reaction there are quite a few
near accidents..
I wouldn't like to be in the situation that some geezer decides to pass a 
truck going 80kmh the geezer is driving 130 kmh ( advised speed)..
it's a two lane road.( two lanes in the same direction) i hqappen to be 
driving on the same road some distance behind him ( i'm driven 200 km/h)
he misjudges my speed and starts taking over the truck... i have to slam 
the brakes big time because a) i have to brake away 70 kmh just to avoid an 
impact and b) probably even more because some people tend to let the gaspedal 
loose when they panic... ( it's quite scary to see a big car gaining very fast 
on you...
now what would happen if an idiot from the NL decides to go trough Germany..
in the Nl he/she  only drives 90kmh . the idiot meets a truck the truck goes
a bit faster and decides to take over...this will clog up the road and the
fast guys will need to brake even harder....
my point speedlimits are quite handy to ensure bigger safety...
In the German situation i would go for a minimum speed of 120 kmh
and a maximun speed of 200.. this would make it a lot safer because most fast 
cars have the braking ability to match their performance..
well thats it for now... Reactions are welcome..
