
Re: 100 km/h? Give me a break!

In <19950425140942.L.Koobs@sp0289.kub.nl>, L.Koobs@kub.nl  (L. KOOBS) writes:

>you probably lived in Germany before you moved to Canada and you are used to
>driving fast... However I don't thimk that Germany is the best country to
Yes, I come from Germany, where I was trained to drive FAST. - I think that is the MAJOR point.
Before people are allowed to go fast, they should be trained! - Once people are trained, and got their
driving license because they prooved that they are capable of driving propperly (and propperly fast), most of your
points that you mentioned against people driving fast could be neglected.

I really believe that the main problem of the people driving in Canada is that they are not trained what-so-ever!
I mean...  bring $20 and a birth certificate gets you your license.... that's a joke! - And then these people believe
that it is a RIGHT to drive! - Give me a break!

Get a propper driving education and propper driving exams accordingly, and then once you got that... you may
be priviledged to drive on the roads among others .... perhaps even more than 100 clicks.

>fast reactions are neede to prevent big accidents...
Hmmm... propper training is needed!

I got a German & international license (The Cops always love it when the pull me over, and have no clue what it is),
and I got a "Ontario-license" (that cereal-license), and I go 200+ if traffic permits. - Of course my car is propperly preppared, and not some 
neglected piece of junk (I drive a BMW). - To answer the question about the "How can I survice with the 100Km/h limit?" ... I neglect
 it.... even with the "Photo-Radar" (phony-radar).

>I wouldn't like to be in the situation that some geezer decides to pass a 
>truck going 80kmh the geezer is driving 130 kmh ( advised speed)..
Neither do I. - That's why We in Germany get tought to adjust our speed when approcaing traffic.

>he misjudges my speed and starts taking over the truck... i have to slam 
That's cause people are not trained! - People just pull out or/and switch lanes  when/where ever  they feel like
Oh...   and since you're the one (not you personally) that is going "fast" should always be preppared for other
peoples mistakes.... you gotta take the nice (that you can speed) with the ugly (gotta brake sometimes).

>well thats it for now... Reactions are welcome..


