
Re: 100 km/h? Give me a break!

>On most parts of the Autobahn you will not enjoy 200+ km/h (>125mph) for a
>very long time. It will be a constant mix of accelerating and braking
True... and not true. - That depends on the part you're in, and when you drive. - A other reason is more the 
fuel-prices over there will keep ya from speeding long stretches.

The fact still remains that you can every once in a while (as traffic permits) put the pedal to the metal, and 
don't worry about harrasment from cops etc.

>10-15 minutes your heartbeat will be up to >140 beats, sweat will come pouring
>out of every part of your body and you will generally feel deeply uncomfortable.
Not really.... if it makes ya uncomfortable.... you shouldn't speed to begin with. - I'm rather more relaxed.

I guess it also depends what kinda car. - If you're pushing a little Ford beyond it's limits... that would make one be 
uncomfortable, but if you got the propper car and  equipment... there is no problem.

> And remember, as you increase your speed not only will you
>need to closely monitor the traffic in front of you, there will *always* be
>a faster car in your rear-view mirror with a driver whose only wish is to pass
Tip: not only the traffic in front of you, but way ahead of you too, since you'll be catching up to
 it very quickly (outta obvious reasons).


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