
Re: Daytime running lights

In article <405mb7$1cs@nnrp2.primenet.com>, gribble@primenet.com says...


>The studies that did turn up some benefit were, for
>example, from Canada, where DRLs are still in the novelty stage as far as the
>number of cars so equiped.  It's not suprising that when only a very few cars
>have DRLS that  such cars get noticed and don't get hit.  That effect can be
>expected to disappear in future years as DRLs appear on all cars and my
>expectatin would be that they will wind up with the same results as Norway.

   Since I live in Canada (Montreal, to be more precise), I'd just like to
say that while DRL are still relatively new here (they've been mandatory for
about 5 years), my estimate is that 85%+ cars on the road have them. They're
not as uncommon as you seem to think. Of course, this might be different in
other regions.

Alain Southiere              | My employers couldn't care less about what
asouthie@volvox.qc.ca (work) | I write here. Even if they did, they'd
alsouth@cam.org (home)       | probably wouldn't share my views.
