
Re: Question for Speeders

Scott Nguyen <yhn1@acpub.duke.edu> writes:

>Hey all....

>         I was wondering how many of you who actually consider yourselves 
>speeders have gotten tickets..  speeder=one who can't seem to keep 
>his/her car within 15 miles of the speed limit.  I hear that speed 
>enforcement is a joke in USA, i.e.-they ticket when they feel like it..  
>I drive relatively fast (averaged 78 on a 6 hour trip from Atlanta to 
>Raleigh) and have never gotten a ticket..  I was wondering if this was 
>the same with all of you out there who seem to have lead-foot...

I would definitely be classified a speeder.  I average around 80 mph-85mph
when using interstate between cities.  I have only had one speeding ticket
and it was entirely my fault.  In my old car (this was about 2 years ago).
I left campus and was heading downtown.  I was still right next to campus
and the right side of the road was campus property and
the left side was city.  Sitting about 1000 ft down the road was a patrol
car.  I thought it was campus security since they often sit in the same
exact spot during the afternoons and evenings.  This was also before
I had a radar detector (my old car started shimmering above 70-75 so
I really never had a need).  About 200 feet from him I noticed he was
RPD (rochester police department).  Lights went on, I pulled over.  Got
ticketed for doing 47 in a 30.  Of course the average speed on this
road was 45 so I just did what everyone else did, but I was breaking the
law and I got ticketed. 

I did go to court, but not so much to fight it, but just to experience 
going to court for a ticket.

As for getting tickets and not getting tickets.  A radar detector will
not stop you from getting tickets.  It will help immensily if you
use it correctly.  Though it is getting more difficult now that NY
State is starting to use laser.  I usually try to drive right lane
unless passing, I do not weave in and out of traffic and I do as much
as possible to not draw attention to myself.  Plus paying attention to
my surroundings help.  Even despite all of this I am sure I will
get ticketed eventually, but NY's limit goes to 65 Aug. 1st so that
will help since I will still drive the same speed.

