
Re: Question for Speeders

On Fri 26-May-1995  6:22p, Susan E Clark wrote:
SC> What would you do if someone's pet or child ran out in front of you at 
SC> such a high speed?  (100-130 mph)   

Hit the brakes for the kid and if fortune is with the two of us, pick the side
the kid will not run to.
If its an animal, much the same, except that if the animal gets hit, I will
not lose sleep over it.
Besides, on a stretch of road where you can do 100+ mph there should not be
any kids running around anyway. 
Its all part of using your common sense in where you speed, and where you "do
the speed limit."
  //  The opinions expressed above are strictly the opinions of my fingers
\X/   and may not reflect the opinions of the other apendages.