
Re: Driving Pet Peeves

Brad Woods (bradley@seismo.gps.caltech.edu) wrote:
: KP (batten@newsserver.rdcs.Kodak.COM) wrote:

: :   At last, we got to my bet peeve. Yes, the cyclist is entitled to the use 
: : of the lane. Quite often around here I'll see a bicycle riding down the 
: : of the lane, and while I have to take a deep breath, I wait until it is safe
: : to change lanes to pass them. Actually, this part is OK in my book, if they
: : are right on the edge I may be tempted to pass them when it really is not 
: : safe to do, I don't mind waiting that few extra seconds it usually takes.

: :   BUT, after I've waited for the chance to safely pass and have done so, I
: : end up at a traffic light only to find the biker squeezing between my car
: : and the curb to get back in front of not only me, but the entire line of
: : traffic causing a whole new bottle neck.

: :   How about being stopped at a traffic sign waiting to make a right hand
: : turn? No problems to your right, check to the left, no problem, start to 
: : your turn and suddenly you realize that Mr. "I have the same road rights as 
: : you" has decided he can pass you against the curb and run the stop sign.. 
: : crunch, and who gets the verbal abuse???? 

: I bicycle and drive.  And where I live there are a fair number of bicyclers.
: I have yet to find an inconsiderate bicycler.  They certainly don't bike down
: the middle of the road for fear of their safety.  Atleast 2 or 3 times a week
: I'll have a close call with a car, or a car will cut me off.

: Also, I have never -- not once in my entire freakin' life, been driving along
: in my car when all of a sudden a bicycler comes whizzing by me and yells
: Further, such a biker would have about zero chance of causing me ANY physical
: damage.  The reverse is not true.

: In otherwords, I have no sympathy for you car-driving pigs.

: B

I've been reading your posts, and from what I gather, you seem to believe
that cyclists should have all rights. I do believe cars should not pass
cyclists an inch away, but I think they should only have the same rights
as cars, not more. Passing cars while they are stopped and running red
lights makes _you_ the dangerous driver.
Yeah cars are more dangerous to you, but _you_ are the one making the danger
by pulling these manuvers. My biggest peeve about cyclists is that I have
not come across one that will not pass all the cars that just passed him,
which is the most stupidest manuver I have seen pulled. You are causing
yourself and the car drivers (by having to pull out into the opposite
lane) more danger by pulling this manuver. And by no rights should a
cyclist be able to pass cars on the right so that he blocks a car that
passed him who wants to turn right. Plus, that is even more danger that
the _cyclist_ creates because the driver of the car turning right may not
expect you to go in front of him or see you (you are small and in his blind
spot). Point is, many times it is not the drivers causing the danger, it is
the cyclists. 

      |\      _,,,---,,_		Tigress
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    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)                cat drawn by: Felix Lee