
Re: Driving Pet Peeves

In article <joliver3.289.0010C547@alp541.srl.ford.com>,
joliver3@alp541.srl.ford.com (John Oliver) writes:

>Whenever I'm in my car and see a cyclist doing what Mr. Nielsen
describes, I 
>think to myself, "Great, there goes another asshole making my life as a 
>cyclist more difficult!"  He pisses off some driver(s), and the next
>that driver sees (maybe me) is likely to bear the brunt of the driver's 
>frustration!  FWIW, I never run red lights or stop signs when on my
>bike (or in my car, for that matter), and when in doubt, I yield to the
car --
>after all, it only outweighs me by maybe 20:1!  

I saw a prime example of this on my commute this morning.  I passed this
guy riding a hybird.  He had no helmet (probably didn't want to mess up
his pony tail).  About .2 mile later I encountered a red light.  I
positioned myself on the left side of the right lane and came to a full
stop.  As I'm waiting for the light. This "dude" passed me on my right and
blew the light.  The shoulder became a right turn only lane at the next
intersection.  This Bozo continued into the right turn only lane. Of
course, he did not turn right.  Instead of he  blew straight through a
second red light.  I caught the "dude" again within .5 mile of the
intersection.  As I passed him, I heard the gym bag he had straped to his
rack rubbing his rear tire.   

My all time favorite are kids (almost always sans helmet) riding towards
me against the traffic on heavily traveled roads.  I usually point right
at them, hollor "pass me on this side", then point to my right.

Tom Swenson