
Re: Driving Pet Peeves

Geoff Miller (geoffm@purplehaze.Eng.Sun.COM) wrote:
: Dai F Toyama <borap@paul.spu.edu> asks:
: > Do you have any idea as to why it's illegal for the cyclists
: > to ride on the 'sidewalk' in most US states?  I'd like to know
: > the reason behind it.
: Presumably because cyclists are more likely to run into pedestrians
: when they ride on the sidewalk, since there are no pedestrians on
: the street for them to hit.

: You know, this has given me the germ of an idea.  I suspect that the
: reason for the inferiority complexes from which so many cyclists 
: seem to suffer might be that they perceive themselves to be at the
: bottom of the pecking order, transportation-wise.  Maybe if it's

That is, if you assume that bicyclists don't have cars. Most do, and are 
riding for exercise. Get a job using computers every day and you'll 
understand by the time your 25.

: food chain from somebody else -- pedestrians -- they'll acquire the
: self esteem necessary to enable them to ride without getting in the
: way of motorized traffic.  And as a bonus, this newfound self esteem
: might just imbue them with the inner strength necessary to allow them

In Los Angeles, the bicyclists carry guns. Especially junior high school kids.

Steph Greenberg                       
steph@primenet.com           "Every Friday is a prelude to Monday." 
