
Re: Driving Pet peeves

Chung Lu (chunglu@bnr.ca) wrote:
: "Nathan J. Nagel" <nn22+@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
: > 
: >     Just a point....  NOBODY should ever pass you on the right, unless
: > you're about to make a left turn or get off on an off-ramp on the left
: > side of the freeway....

: 	What about the Camero that STOPped from 75 mph on the far left lane
: only because he missed the left exit?

: 	I believe you will find me guilty passing the whole traffic on the
: far right lane. I do that when that's the only open space to get through
: those good ole citizens playing road block for the smoky.

I agree with Chung. NOBODY should ever be in the left lane unless they 
are passing. Since that is never true in the US (anywhere from my driving 
experience), neither is the passing on the right rule, unless it IS 
illegal AND enforced. In the US, people are equally likely to cut in 
front of you without looking if you are driving on the left or right. 

NOBODY who lives in a city would ever suggest NOT passing on the right at 
one time or another, though it is not prefered.

Steph Greenberg                       
steph@primenet.com           "Every Friday is a prelude to Monday." 
