
Re: Driving Pet peeves

Michael Johnson <MICHAEL@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> wrote:
> For a given pair of cars and drivers (i.e. you and that moron on your butt),
> you speeding up or slowing down is not going to reduce the chances of a
> collision,

> Michael Johnson, Relay Technology, Inc.
> michael@maine.maine.edu, michaelj@relay.relay.com
> "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Free Will." -- Neil Peart

Remember, Michael, that you and I drive RX-7s and, until the new 911 Turbo
came out, no-one on the road can outbrake us.  We must use motorcycle
mentality to survive... namely, if they're on your butt and you don't feel
like (or traffic keeps you from) blowing away from them, slow down enough
to prompt the ass-sucker to pass.

As a general question:

Why do (WARNING: stereotype to follow) testosterone-enhanced, 
grey-matter-deprived, backwards-baseball-cap-wearing 18 year old
boys in lowered 1987 Honda Accords with  hyper-offset tiny wheels
(175/20R12 sticking 8 inches past the fenders) feel the NEED to challenge
generally law abiding (speed limits aside) drivers just because we're
driving hi-tech, hi-capability cars?  And why do they seem to think
that the closer they are to your ass, the more they've "proven" that
their car is as good or better than yours?  And if you do decide to 
put an end to their little game by blasting away from them, why do
they seem to think they're so victorious when they catch up to you 3 
miles and 5 minutes later after you've resumed an appropriate speed?

Jeff Witzer (using a friend's account)
1993 Mazda RX-7 R1 Competition Yellow Mica / Pettit Turn Key Terror
