
Re: Driving Pet peeves

On Fri 23-Jun-1995  6:04p, Bob English wrote:

BE> roadway less than reassuring, because the safety records of drivers
BE> suggest that they will collide with us at least once in _our_ lifetime.

If your lucky. I've managed to fill that statistic 3 times already. 1
rear-ender, one "head on"--idiot turned left while I was still in the way, and
one guy who changed lanes into the bed of my pickup truck.  Which could have
been many more if I was to drive like the rest of 'em =)  with blinders on
oblivious to the rest of the world.  

BE> This has become so normal for me that I don't even get upset about it.
BE> It is so common that I would be hard-pressed to tell you how many times
BE> it happens during any single ride.

Its an obstacle course out there. I had one twit in a little honda accord,
stop for his stop sign, and then proceed into the main thoroughfair, lucky for
him nobody else was on the road and I was able to do a sideways slide or he
would have been dead. Literally, he was that f-ing close when he tried that

Speaking of which, anybody recall the title of the movie where the brother of
a traffic victem builds up an armoured pickup truck and takes the
"enforcement" of road laws into his own hands? 
I've seen the movie once about 10 years ago, and never seen any similar
description in the ole tv guide since.  

  //  The opinions expressed above are strictly the opinions of my fingers
\X/   and may not reflect the opinions of the other apendages.