
Re: Driving Pet peeves

Alain Southiere (asouthie@volvox.qc.ca) wrote:

:    Well, I'm in province of Quebec (in Canada) and drivers here are often
: real morons. When I read someone complaining about bad drivers in the USA,
: it makes me laugh ! They should come here a few days. For instance, I've
: recently went on vacation for about 10 days. We went in Ohio, Pennsylvania
: and New-Yor state. Driving over there was a real plasure. As soon as we
: passed the border, we thought we entered hell, especially as we go nearer
: to Montreal (principal city, about 3M people, including suburbs). In fact,
: the only place I've seen that's worse than Quebec is New-York city. Even
: in Boston, which about about the same size as Montreal, people are much
: more courteous and les dangerous drivers.

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to drive in NY City. My uncle was 
a cab driver there most of his life (one of the few English speaking 
ones) and he died of a heart attack at 60. I'm surprised he made it that far.

I think people in LA are: afraid of Lawsuits that could deprive them of 
everything no matter how much insurance they have (California has a 
slight lawyer population control problem--they have no known natural 
enemies), and there is a genuine possibility that the guy being tailgated 
will shoot you (admittedly not much of one, but it has happened).

: >No offense meant. I've never encountered a tailgater that didn't just 
: >want to go faster than me. I'm pretty responsive to this since I keep an 
: >eye on the rearview alot.

:    I do too ! People who have rode with me usually say that I'm a good
: driver, expect for the fact that I drive a little too fast (always a
: few MPH over the limit, that scare some people :-).

: Alain Southiere              | My employers couldn't care less about what
: asouthie@volvox.qc.ca (work) | I write here. Even if they did, they'd

Thanks for the warning about Montreal driving. I might have to go there 
sometime (one of the major Computer Graphic animation software companies 
are there). Other than the tailgating problem, it sounds like a nice place.

Steph Greenberg              "No one lies in their deathbed wishing          
steph@primenet.com            that they'd spent more time at work."
