
Re: Repeal of the National Speed Limit Law

In article <3sn4sa$40v@newsbf02.news.aol.com> aaprrb@aol.com (AAPR RB) writes:

>You knew the law and broke it. That is wrong.

I would put it differently.  For more than 20 years, Congress has known the 
will of the people, as expressed daily by the speeds we actually drive.  
Instead of honoring our will, Congress chose to go against it, making 
lawbreakers of ordinary people.

*That* is wrong.

>Same argument is used by everybody who gets caught doing something against
>the rules. Rules are the glue that hold us together as a nation and keeps
>us from the anarchy some are working twords. If there are rules you don't
>agree with, you can get them changed by getting them on the ballot and
>stating your points in an open forum. This is exactly what the government
>is doing now. Even if it all passes at the federal level, it will still be
>up to the states to set the speed limits. Even if they change the speed
>limits to 100 MPH there will be a minority of people who complain that
>they are too restrictive and will go over them. It is human nature. It's
>not the speed limit per se, its speeding in general.

The fact is people drive at the speeds they drive at.  Congress does not 
decide this, state legislatures do not decide this, and the head of the CHP 
does not decide this.  Drivers decide for themselves what speeds to drive at, 
and speed limits have only a small effect on that choice.

If you're looking for ballots and open forums, why not go for the obvious one: 
watch what speed people actually drive at.  That is the most direct, most 
honest expression of the will of the people.

Governments can make rules, but if the rules don't reflect common practice of 
ordinary people, they become irrelevant--just as speed limits are today.

