
Re: Repeal of the National Speed Limit Law

On 3 Jul 1995, Cynthia wrote:

> >aaprrb@aol.com (AAPR RB) writes:
> >
> >>Raise the speed limit, all traffic speeds increase. Those who drove
> >>habitually over the speed limit will still drive over the new speed 
> >>limit.
> 	Funny, my average speed ( given equal road conditions ) on
> highways in Ohio ( 65 limit ) and NY ( 55 limit ) are about equal. 
> My average speed in Penn is slower due to the poor road conditions.

I believe that people usually drive within their own limits.  There was
an experiment conducted in Japan, in which a portion of a highway was 
used and the participants were told that there was no speed limit on
that part of the road, and that they could drive however fast they
wanted to.

As far as I can recall, the result showed that almost all drivers ended
up going no faster than 140 km/h (87 MPH).  Kinda goes to show that the
higher speed limit doesn't necessarily mean the drivers start driving
even faster.


      |~~~~~~~~\    *----------------------------------------------------*
 |)=+||       _/|   | Dai F Toyama          << borap@paul.spu.edu >>     |
 |==+||__-~~~~_/    | Computer Science  << Seattle Pacific University >> |
 +-\\||__-~~~~ ||   | Driving Maniac      << '92 Acura Integra GS-R >>   |
 | |\ ||            *----------------------------------------------------*
                               \ ASCII piano by Keith Wright /
