
Right to travel 4/7

   [ ...Continued From Previous Message ]

     So taxes aren't needed for running the federal government anymore. 
This leaves many asking, "Why does the government take so much of what I
     Chairman Ruml, under the heading "What Taxes Are Really For," gave the
following answers:

          Federal taxes can be made to service four principle purposes of a
     social and economic character.  These purposes are:

          1. As an instrument of fiscal policy to help stabilize the
     purchasing power of the dollar;
          2. To express public policy in the distribution of wealth and of
     income, as in the case of the progressive income and estate taxes;
          3. To express public policy in subsidizing or in penalizing
     various industries and economic groups;
          4. To isolate and assess directly the costs of cretain national
     benefits, such as highways and social security.

          In the recent past, we have used our federal tax program
     consciously for each of these purposes.  In serving these purposes,
     the tax program is a means to an end.

     To summarize, here is what IRS taxes are and are not used for:

1.   They are used to help implement economic policies designed by the
federal government,

2.   They are used for social purposes (who should, and should not, in the
opinion of congress, have such-and-such amount of money), and

3.   They are used to subsidize various groups and interests, such as
private banks, but

4.   They are not used to pay for any government services.

     This means that if all IRS tax laws were repealed tomorrow, there
would be no effect on government services.  The only thing that would
change is that the federal government wouldn't be able to exert the social
and economic control that it currently does.
     There are more and more people saying that we'd be better off without
the regulated economy we currently have.  Certainly having the federal
government involved in every aspect of the economy was something never
contemplated by the framers of the federal constitution.
     Among those who've said that our federal tax system doesn't work is T.
Coleman Andrews, who actually served as the commissioner of Internal
Revenue back in the 1950's.
     After he left office, he began to speak out against what he perceived
as being "rapacious tax enactments."  In an article he wrote for the April
22, 1956 issue of "The American Weekly," he shared these reflections:

          As Commissioner of Internal Revenue I often thought how far we
     had gone toward coming ourselves "through excessive and unjust
          We have failed to realize, it seems to me, that through our tax
     system we have been playing right into the hands of the Marxists, who
     gleefully hail the income tax as the one sure instrument that will
     bring capitalism to its knees.

     On this point, it's interesting to note that a graduated income tax is
one of the planks of "The Communist Manifesto."  He also explained how
special-interest groups have exempted themselves fom taxation, and that the
true targets of IRS tax laws are the middle class:

          Whether you believe it or not, everybody is being overtaxed and
     the middle class is being taxed out of existence, and the nation,
     thereby, is being robbed of its surest guarantee of continued sound
     economic development and growth and its staunchest bulwark against the
     ascendancy of socialism.

     Almost every American, whether he's interested in current affairs or
not, believes that taxes are simply too high.  Some justify this to
themselves by saying that IRS taxes are absolutely necessary to pay for
needed government services, and that everyone is paying just as much as
they are.
     These arguments would undoubtedly disappear if more people knew that
IRS taxes are specifically targeted on the middle-class and don't pay for
any government services.
     This is where Sovereign Citizenship comes in.  As a Citizen, most IRS
tax laws simply won't apply to you.  You won't have to hope that congress
"gives you a break."  You won't have to change the tide of public opinion
to keep what you earn.  You'll simply use the law, as it's written, to your
advantage, instead of allowing it to be used advantageously against you.
     It's perfectly alright to do this.  Even the federal courts approve:

          Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low
     as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best
     pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's
          Helvering v. Gregory, Federal Reporter, 2nd series, Vol. 69, Page
     810 (1934)

     There's no patriotic duty to pay a lot in taxes.  But isn't there a
duty to yourself and your loved ones to reduce your costs, while justly
   [ Continued In Next Message... ]