
Re: Why did that officer let you go ???

In article <3tu6u0$64b@ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>, alz1@ix.netcom.com (alex zas ) says:
>What did you tell the trooper/officer who stopped you to give you a
>ticket, but let you go after you told him/her that.......

I was stopped for going about 70 in a 35 zone late one night.  Not
only that, the cop heard me rev and accelerate from a stoplight.
However, he was real pleasant.  Just asked for license and registration,
asked where I was going, asked if I knew how fast I was going, and
then let me go.  I think he let me go because:

1. I was corporative and polite.

2. When he asked if I knew how fast I was going, I did not give some
   bullshit answer but just said I didn't know.  Cops don't like to
   get the feeling that you think you're trying to outsmart them.

3. I was lucky.

On another occasion, I saw a police car behind me so I was going at
the speed limit.  After following me for awhile, they turned on their
siren and pulled me over.

Then BOTH cops got out of the car, walked toward me one on each side
with their hands on their guns, and asked me if I had a gun in my
car.  They then asked for my license and registration, and let me
go saying something lame like "my license didn't show up on their

Bryan Chow                  California Institute of Technology [ SCP Lab ]
bryan@scp.caltech.edu /           Home: http://www.scp.caltech.edu/~bryan/
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