
Re: Why did that officer let you go ???

In article <3tu6u0$64b@ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>, alz1@ix.netcom.com (alex zas ) says:

>What did you tell the trooper/officer who stopped you to give you a
>ticket, but let you go after you told him/her that.......

# 1

I was crusing along about 75 in a 55 a mile from my exit when I noticed a
Caprice behind me. It had no markings on it and had what looked like a suit
hanging in the back seat. I slowed down briefly before deciding it was a
saleman and proceeded to punch it. Well, on come the lights in the grill
of the Caprice! The officer asks me if I know how fast I was going and I
said "55", with a slight grin. The officer replies, "Would you like to try
again?" After an unsuccessful attempt to talk my way out of a ticket I
replied, "Well, I guess I just head my head up my ass!" I wish I had a
picture of the guy's face as it went from cold-stone to this big-ass grin.
The guy laughs and says, "Well, Mr. Woyna, I wouldn't have quite put it that
way, but I guess you're right. Try to slow down a bit, will you?", and starts
walking back to his car.

# 2

Late night going southbound on I-294 doing about 85. As I approach the
Cicero on ramp, I notice a car ahead getting on going about 90. I figure
I'll let him take the lead and speed up a bit to match his speed, trailing
about a 1/4 mile back. About a mile down the road he starts to slow down
and pulls over onto the left shoulder. As I get a bit closer, sure enough,
a cop. By this time I'm down to around 65. He lets me pass him and then gets
back on the road and pulls up behind me and flips on the lights. When he
walks up to my window he asks "Do you know how fast you were going?" I said,
"No, I was just following you!" Since he wasn't on a call, I think he
realized that it wouldn't look too good to go before a judge and admit
that he was driving 90 for no good reason. The guy tells me to slow down and
let's me go. :)

Mark A. Woyna                             |
Section Manager - Information Systems     |
Advanced Computer Applications Group      | "Germans who wish to use firearms
Decision & Information Sciences Division  |  should join the SS or the SA --
Argonne National Laboratory               |  ordinary citizens don't need guns,
Argonne IL  60439                         |  as their having guns doesn't serve
                                          |  the State."  -- Heinrich Himmler
woyna@anl.gov                             | 