
Re: Why did that officer let you go ???

In article <3tu6u0$64b@ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>,
   alz1@ix.netcom.com (alex zas ) wrote:
|>What did you tell the trooper/officer who stopped you to give you a
|>ticket, but let you go after you told him/her that.......

On the way back from a friends house late one night, looked in the 
rear view mirror and thought "I wonder if that's a cop?" I switched lanes
and the car swithed lanes as well, by then I knew it was a cop and as soon
as I realized it he turns his lights on and pulls me over.

Did the license and Insurerance thing.
He said I was going and average of 72 (in a 55), I told him I was coming 
back from a friends house and was rather tired (which was true) and was
not really paying attention (sort of true :-)).

He told me to be carefull on the way home and sent me on my way.

Another time I was coming back home late again from a friends house and
there were police standing in the road (road block maybe? couldn't tell).
Cop motioned me to pass and then out of the blue he told me to stop and
show him my license (which I didn't have).  I told him I forgot it at home
he said "why did you do that" I said "I don't know" (Duh! because I thought
it would be cool).  He seemed somewhat frustrated (like he didn't want to
deal with it) and told me to leave after I promised him that I didn't have 
my license suspended or anything.

Chris C
In order to understand one must first learn how
others see the world and then learn how not to
see the world how one wants it be (S)