
Re: Red lights that don't change

jbetti@best.com writes:
>I'm sure this question has been asked more than once, but I wasn't here 
	then, so here goes:
>According to California vehicle codes you're supposed to stop at a red 
	light until it turns green.
>This is fine and dandy, unless it's one of those "special" lights that 
	are only triggered by the weight
>of an automobile. The problem: bicycles, most motorcycles, and some 
	sub-compacts don't trigger
>them. The result: the eternal red light. A freind of mine just got a 
	ticket for running one on his
>motorcycle, and even the officer writing the ticket didn't know what 
	you're "supposed" to do.
>Anybody know either the "official policy" or the best way to fight the 
> 	J "no pseudonym" Betti

[Watch your word wrap please]

Some tips...  On a motorcycle, if you can see the sensors (if they are
the eddy current types and not the old but still existent weight type)
you can lower your side stand over the sensor cut.

On a bicycle, you can practically lay the bicycle down over the loop.
(don't try this with a motorcycle. ;)

I would be interested in WHERE the actual statutes are which relate
to the sensitivity of these loops.  I am told by a friend who is a
traffic signal engineer, that there are regulations that say that
the sensors *must* be teste on a Honda 150.  My Honda 500 certainly
doesn't trip many of the signals in his domain...  I've looked and looked
for these rules, but have not found them...  I've triple asked him if 
he might be bullsh**ing me... he claims he is not...  but yet he does
not give me the cites.

It doesn't help that some of these no-sense signals are under pavement
not showing the loops...  Usually, if I know where the loop is, I can
get a 99% success rate just by positioning my bike in relation to the
wires...  when you don't know where the wires are, you can end up 
spending 10 minutes repositioning till you find the prime spot.

And then, I know of MANY CalTrans maintained signals which are
completely stupid...  One in particular hase the choice spot
back 20 feet from the limit line...  Took me a while to find it,
as The loop senses my bike pass over it, changes the cross traffic 
signals to red, but then, upon noticing that I am no longer 20ft 
from the limit line, skips the green cycle for my direction and
changes the cross traffic to green again.

I am willing to go out and document all these rougue signals in
my area (5 city govts' 1 county and the state) if I only knew the
proper statutes to cite in my bitch letter.  

Of course, you can always coil 40 lbs of copper wire on your boots...
that ought to trip the sensors.

Follow-Ups: References: