
Re: Red lights that don't change

In article <rlesterDBq4w1.8J@netcom.com>,
Robert Lester <rlester@netcom.com> wrote:
>I have had this happen to me once or twice.  Usually I make a right turn
>(since that is a legal move) and go around the intersection some other

What if there's a sign that says "NO TURN ON RED"?  8-)

But seriously, that's probably the thing I'd do too if no signs,
one-way or otherwise preventing the move.  

One time I did see a passenger get out of a car and hit the pedestrian 
crosswalk button which eventually made the light cycle back to our

Sometimes I've been at intersections where you arrive and all directions
are stuck solid red.  If you roll back and forth in your vehicle eventually
one of the sensors picks it up.  I wonder if that might work for
a lighter weight vehicle.

Glenn Mandelkern                                          Hee, hee, hee, hee!
gmandel@netcom.com                                     Questor the Elf lives!
