
Re: Comments from Mr. Traffic

In article <3un54e$ge8@newsbf02.news.aol.com> GRichards wrote:
>This is Mr. Roadshow,  from the San Joses Mercury News. Back when the
>speed limit was 55 on ALL roads, the california highway patrol was among
>the leaders in pushing for the 65 mph limit on rural interstates. The CHP
>czar says he's willing to look at higher limits on some roads, but not
>those in urban areas. Of interest in the Bay Area is I-280 from Cupertino
>to south of S.F. where the unofficial speed is 75-plus. This would be a
>good area to test at a higher limit for a year, see if accidents rise or
>nopt and then decide what to do on freeways technically in urban areas but
>more with wide open spaces


As I said....I am FOR the 65mph speed limit since EVERYONE is doingat LEAST that, and will 
NOT stop doing it!  But, as I said too....if they did this, and you get caught going over 70-72....the 
fine should be BIG$$$$.  Now, people think the 65 zones mean 75-80!

I NEVER go faster than 62!!!  NEVER. Why would I do something stupid like that?  "Mr. Traffic 
gets a ticket. Film at 11".

62 is the minimum speed I have discovered that one can do in CA and NOT get ticketed and NOT 
get killed or cause a road hazard.  I do all my driving in the right lanes...EVERYBODY is passing 
me, and as they are...I LAUGH!!!!!!! "Thanks for making me a TV star in LA" I yell.  "Thanks for 
paying for my vacations".  And do they get ANYWHERE sooner by speeding?  Nah. They get to 
the next Red Light sooner.  Only on LONG trips does speeding have any effect.  Most people are 
just saving scant minutes on most local trips.  Foolish....just foolish.  

I'm going to try to download some of your stuff

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic".

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