
Re: Comments from Mr. Traffic

In article <DCp5AC.683@gordian.com> Olivier Chaine wrote:

>LIFE IS DANGEROUS! we can't just pretend that if we never break the
>law and always eat our wheaties that we'll live forever. Many people
>are injured or die from other causes. Maybe we should outlaw horseback
>riding, or how about old age?

Olivier...lets stick to the topic....DRIVING.
>: >Just because everyone likes a law doesn't mean it should be
>kept. Remember the rights of the individual?
>We need a compromise. I think instituting a tighter licensing program
>is a *must*. I have been advocating that for years. 
>Since it is doubtful that this will happen across the board, how about
>a second level of licenses. Take a month long class, pay $$$ and
>really learn how to drive, and in exchange you get more priviledges on
>the road (like the left lane or two...)? 

Olivier....here is the nail on the head. THIS is so RIGHT!!!!
But it won't happen, because the DMV considers any monetary
expenditure to be too much. It took them 60 years to get a new
driving test (which is happening in selected offices). The failure
rate on the new test is 75% first time. YEAAAAAA!!!

>Please, I haven't yet found a solution, I'm just throwing out
>ideas. If you're going to flame me, SUGGEST something else. Don't just
>attack the details.

Flame you????  I'm bowing to you!
>I just think people need to realize that life is *not* safe. 
>YOU WILL DIE. I WILL DIE. can you say that (and mean it)? most people
>can't. If I die in a car accident tonight, so be it. But in trying
>to make life idiot proof, there is very little room left for people to
>live. not just in driving, but in all aspects of this country of 30
>times more lawyers than *any* other country.

All you say is true, but I seek not to make life idiot proof, which
is, after all, impossible.  I seek to make it as safe as I can without
making it onorous.  Would you say that going thru metal detectors
is onorous, or desirable?  We have had to make compromises in
this day and age where personal responsibility is lost and many are
looking to get away with whatever they can.  An accident is a
financial opportunity, etc, etc.  I only seek what is fair.....fairly
arrived speed limits that will be respected and then enforced by
those who would flaunt the system for their own selfish reasons.

Thanks for the thoughtful post.
Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic" responding to
>Olivier Chaine      olivier@gordian.com       714.850.0205/fax 714.850.0533
