
Re: driver's ed. is a joke

In <3u9mgf$11u@ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> lily1@ix.netcom.com (J. Hale )
> It's just too damned easy to get a license in this country.  

I agree 100%. After visiting Germany last year and travelling the
Autobahn in both a car and on a motorcycle at speeds of 90mph+, I no
longer feel safe on American roads. Not only do we need to be retrained
on driving, DOT needs to do major work on the roadways and signs.

In Germany there is not such thing as a blind corner, they use mirrors
where ever they feel it is dangerous to pull into traffic. Thus there
is no need to have your car dangerously set in traffic to look for
oncoming cars.

Everyone on the road is courteous to other cars, bicycles, motorcycles,
and pedestrians. The AutoBahn is the only highway I have travelled
where people yield to faster traffic by moving to the right lane and
people actually pass on the left and not the right. Granted, if you do
not move over fast enough you will have a BMW or Mercedes three inches
off your rear bumper until you do. And the AutoBahn is a hell of a lot
smoother then the Highways here on East Coast!

