
Re: driver's ed. is a joke

Greg Dunbar (gdunbar@teleport.com) wrote:
: In many european countries you get your drivers permit at age 15 like the 
: US, but you can't get your liscence until age 18.  But I guess they need 
: the extra practice because many speed limits are well above 100.

I presume you mean 100 km/h, not 100 mph.  AFAIK, the only place in
Europe where you can legally drive over 100 mph is on certain German
autobahns where there is no speed limit at all.  But every other
European country I've heard of has a limit of 130 km/h (~80 mph)
or less.

Bob Goudreau			Data General Corporation
goudreau@dg-rtp.dg.com		62 Alexander Drive	
+1 919 248 6231			Research Triangle Park, NC  27709, USA
