
Re: driver's ed. is a joke

In article <3utqtf$7v7@khis_news.khis.kodak.com>,
Robert King <king@khis.com> wrote:
}In article f8a@wanda.pond.com, russotto@wanda.pond.com () writes:
}>}   But the government is present to serve the public.
}>Tell me another fairy tale.  The government is present mainly to serve
}>those in government.
}   A cynical attitude at best, although it does represent the attitude many have with the government.
}   You must admit though, the governments do an awfull lot for us.  They regulate
}the utilities so that we get constant and consistant service from them.  They
}maintain sewage and garbage handling duties.  They keep our streets and roads
}in (relatively) good repair.  In short, they provide much of the socio-
}economical framework in which we live.

As I said, this is a political issue for elsewhere.  BTW, my garbage
collection is private.

}>}>No, I want to restrict them because it is the government -- but that's
}>}>a political issue which belongs elsewhere.
}>}   But surely you muct have a REASON?
}>Basically, because the government gets to use large men with guns and
}>clubs to enforce its edicts, derives all its money by taking it under
}>the threat of sending large men with guns and clubs after those who
}>don't pay, and is answerable only to itself.
}   Ah!  So you're a cynic, and a fatalist!  Have you ever voted?  Ever
}heard of it?

Done it.  Those who I vote for never win.  I get one vote in several
million in a few races, and I usually can't stand ANY of the
candidates.  Voting is a placebo -- if it really changed anything, it would
be illegal.

}>"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
}>of justice is no virtue."
}   Maybe you should live by your tagline...

Well, I've never been accused of being a moderate.  What do you
suggest I do to live by my tagline, burn down the MVA?

Matthew T. Russotto      russotto@pond.com     russotto@his.com
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
of justice is no virtue."

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