
Re: Video speed traps a hoax

Konrad Vandegaer (konradv@welchlink.welch.jhu.edu) wrote:

: A number of years ago my cousins living in Belgium told me the system
: was being used there. Does anyone know if this was also a UL or is it
: being used in Europe and serving as the springboard for the US UL?
: They also reported ULish stories of photos being sent home and wives
: questioning husbands about why they were in a certain town at a certain
: time.

The automatic speed traps in Switzerland take two pictures so I assume they 
calculate the speed from the pictures rather than a radar picture.  However, 
not all the boxes contained the cameras, they were rotated around to different 

And yes I have heard similar stories involving spouses being caught in 
indiscretions but they were more along the lines of spouse and mistress being
photographed speeding.  You can fill in the dirty UL details yourself.

Andrew Warinner
"Semper ubi sub ubi"
