
Re: 65 means 65

In article <9508070140.AA25287@aladdin.ac.tandem.com> mckay_michael wrote:
>   I think you are being over strident on this issue.  If you compare two 
>speeds that are both too low, you end up with the same result (ie. people are
>willing to break the law to speed over the limit).  If the 85% on the
>the road the guy was talking about was truly 65mph, than you might have a
>point; as it is, the evidence is still inconclusive.  
>   When you ask your class about "if they would still exceed the speed
>limit", I think that you are not taking two things into account when listening
>to their answers.  First, it is rare to find a maximum speed limit (in the
>US) that is consistent with the 85 percentile.  Your class people just don't
>have much exerience with "reality" based speed limits (they would have to be
>in their late 40's or older).  As I pointed out in a post, I have found a few
>places in my area where the speed limit is high, and the majority of people
>drive under the speed limit (not above it like you claim).


This is true. The majority of my class students have little or no experience with
75mph speed limits.  But since the relativity they DO have is going from 55
as the law to 65 in the boonies, and NOW they have a chance to fly at a 
speed they think is more "fair", they go 75-80.  YOU may have found
a few places where the 65 mph has traffic below it, but those are few and
far between.  Remember....YOU know what happens to you and your friends...
I know what happens to the MAJORITY of people who get caught, which is
just a slice of life of the total of all drivers.  Also, I talk to people on the air.
MY polling, as far as I'm concerned, reflects reality. I don't make a thing
up...I don't have to. People tell me everything.
When I hear from a professional like myself who has contact with the
huge numbers of drivers and cops that I do, who has another opinion, THEN
I'll be surprised. I do NOT negate yours or others who express their
opinions within...quite the contrary, I appreciate it when it is expressed
intelligently (as yours was).  I only point out that between us, I'm the
one who hears from the majority.  Anyone who thinks that people
who land in traffic school are NOT a slice of the general public because
they can afford to go, is not in touch with reality.  The ONLY people
that my students DON'T represent are the illegals who are driving in
this state.  Even the poor come to traffic school (come to my class in
Santa Ana Central Court next Saturday and see the gringos and the
Spanish class) because they don't want to lose the driving priviledge, and
they'll have to pay the same money anyway! The cost of traffic school is
$35 more.

Thanks for your post.  Well said!

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"
