
Re: 65 means 65

kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) wrote:


>This is true. The majority of my class students have little or no experience with
>75mph speed limits.  But since the relativity they DO have is going from 55
>as the law to 65 in the boonies, and NOW they have a chance to fly at a 
>speed they think is more "fair", they go 75-80.  YOU may have found
>a few places where the 65 mph has traffic below it, but those are few and
>far between.  Remember....YOU know what happens to you and your friends...
>I know what happens to the MAJORITY of people who get caught, which is
>just a slice of life of the total of all drivers.  Also, I talk to people on the air.
>MY polling, as far as I'm concerned, reflects reality. I don't make a thing
>up...I don't have to. People tell me everything.

You're crazy.  If you think you are exposed to a statistically balanced
cross-section of drivers thru your contact in Driving School or your radio
show you are really quite out of touch with reality.  The place where ALL of
us are in touch with a statistically meaningfull sample of drivers is ON THE
ROAD where we observe what they do in the wild.  

>When I hear from a professional like myself who has contact with the
>huge numbers of drivers and cops that I do, who has another opinion, THEN
>I'll be surprised. I do NOT negate yours or others who express their
>opinions within...quite the contrary, I appreciate it when it is expressed
>intelligently (as yours was).  I only point out that between us, I'm the
>one who hears from the majority. 

Must be hard to find hats to fit that big head of yours....
   you are not hearing from any "majority" anyplace other then on the highway
just like the rest of us.  The people you see in school are not a typical
cross section of drivers - from my occassional visits to such classes, they
are heavily biased toward the lower socioeconomic groups who can't afford the
ticket and/or higher insurance or "another" ticket.  The higher socio groups
seem to prefer not to waste the time in class and just mail in the money.
Ditto for who you see in court - it's almost exclusively the lower
socio-economic group, again, that's my obeservation but it's been quite
consistent over many years in several juristicstions.

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